Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak (previously 2019-nCoV) is the new problem of the humanity caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This affected and deep impact on day to day life globally and slowing down the economy. This pandemic has affected lakhs of peoples, some of them are sick and some are killed due to this virus.  This outbreak detected in Wuhan, china and reported by world health organization (WHO) on December 2019[1]. This virus is spread to the more than 213 countries and still continues across the world and that giving time to find out the challenges and direction for work. Government of various countries are trying to identify trends, issues, challenges, and implication nationally and globally. This pandemic impacted all areas of national and global market like stock market, industries, education etc., this also impacted various level of the population, particularly  peoples  and industries those are more social dependent, poor persons living in poverty situations, persons with disabilities, old persons, even now this virus is changing the behaviors  according to the climates with different symptoms. This is the threat to our population, risk to human life, economic distress and invisible emotional strain which is significantly affected the health with economic to the global society. To deal with current situation and understanding of the effect on health. There is urgent need to identify the impact of this pandemic on the society. This paper shows the potential areas and the impact of COVID-19 on our day to day life, business and industries in different areas like healthcare, economic, social and personally or professionally with its positive impact. This problem also opens the new research direction for the research, academicians at various level and discipled and inter disciplined for developing new solution and innovations.

The initial basic symptoms of Coronaviruses (CoV) are cold, cough, bone pain, fever, problem in taking breath and pneumonia to more severe diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).  Some other symptoms discover after March 2020 like; pressure in the chest, persist pain, mental confusion, discoloration of lips etc. This virus was discovered in December 2019 by WHO which was not been previously identified in humans. Due to new viral disease and affecting first time humans, no medical science has the proper solution of this virus and no vaccines are also manufactured and available yet globally. If this virus affects any human, it is necessary to identify at early stage because of its spreading speed rapidly in the human body, person to person, person to things and things to person.

At the present situation this virus is exponentially affecting people and increasing in the number death daily globally irrespective to environment and location.

There are several reports are related to Coronavirus outbreak. On Jan 30, 2020 WHO announced the COVID-19 a public health emergency, on 7th March 2020, a total 80813 confirmed cases reported only in China and 21110 cases in other 93 counties and territories [10].  and on March 11, 2020, classified as a pandemic [1]. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak situation till 29th April 2020 by WHO [11] is more than 3 million confirmed cases, more than 2 Lakh confirmed deaths and 213 countries.

In India the first case of coronavirus reported on 30th Jan 2020[12]. As on 30th April 2020, the cases by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (MoHFW), 24162 active cases, 8372 cured and discharged, 1075 deaths have reported [13].

In order to prevent this potential pandemic (COVID-19) outbreak, we have to take care about all the situation and solutions with guidelines of Governments and international community to develop and the solution of this problem and vaccines. This situation impacted the daily human life, industries, businessman, organizations, companies, personally, professionally, at social level, heath level, more impact on global economic and at various levels globally.

Fight Against COVID-19

The Governments of different countries area and territories are taking various action to fight with this uninvited disease nationally and globally. All Govts are generating guidelines to deal with this pandemic (COVID-19). In this section we have listed some guidelines that can help the humans to battle with this virus and take precautions.

  • Social Distance: Maintain the Social distancing to spread the Coronavirus person to person, person to things and thing to person.
  • Restrict travel: Avoid unnecessary travel andRestrict the domestic and international travel,
  • Closer of Social activities:  Stop sport activities, gyms, social gathering, close the restaurants, hotels, schools, universities, companies etc.
  • Correct Information: If any person feels any sign related to Coronavirus symptoms, immediately inform the authorities and ask for medical care help
  • Local response responsibilities: Following Govt. instructions, create awareness the public about the don’t do’s   like Lockdown
  • Regular handwashing: Regular wash hands in two hrs. duration still if you’re at home, and sanitize properly if came from outside
  • Maintain respiratory hygiene:  Do not sneeze in bare hand, cover nose and mouth using tissue or handkerchief, do not touch nose, mouth, and eyes, use Mask
  • Increase medical facilities and testing
  • Hand hygiene: Practiced before and after preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet, and whenever hands look dirty.
  • Exposure to patients: Avoid contact with Coronavirus patients

There many other guidelines we must follow to battle with this pandemic(COVID-19), like; 1) Avoid sharing of potential contaminated items like; cigarettes dishes, towel, drinks, etc.) , 2) If possible, Use triple layer medical mask and disposable gloves for medical lines, 3) Do not share personal items with anyone coronavirus patients, 4) Use proper testing kits and medical care help if any industry, hospitals and manufacture are open with some staffs, 5) Use technology like video conferencing for meeting, teaching etc.6) Undertake essential correspondence using personal or official emails, do not send any documents to other places, 7) Ensure proper cleaning and sanitize frequently, 8) Use extra precaution by high-risk employees, 9) Medical care whenever required on time 10) Safety of healthcare workers.

We must follow the Guidelines of the Govt. agencies and medical experts to decrease the graph of increasing infection rate nationally and globally [2, 3], if Coronavirus (COVID-19) will increase it will affect our daily life routines, especially daily wage-earner families and impacted on economically and socially. 

Impact of COVID-19

Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) regularly affecting out lives and business, world moments etc. which is slowing down manufacturing of products and impacting economic nationally and globally [4]. This also impacting other areas and industries like pharmaceutical, solar, travel and tourism, Information and electronic, Education organizations, Insurance [5]. This pandemic also effects the source of supply, traveling, but if these will be open, can increase the cases of infection due to COVID-19, there are many cases are reported due to these activities [6]. All Govt and other healthcare agencies of different countries, areas and territories are continuously focusing and identifying the cases, affect and solutions of this pandemic (COVID-19). Healthcare professional are facing many difficulties to maintain the quality of healthcare at present time.

In this section we have covered the main impact due to COVID-19 with challenges (Technically, Administratively and Globally) that we are facing on our daily life.  We have divided these impacts in few categories that we are able to find out in present situation:

  1. Impact on personal life
  2. Impact on professional life
  3. Impact on Social life and activities
  4. Impact on healthcare
  5. Impact on economy and business
  6. Impact on food and agriculture

Impact on Personal life

This Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) impact on our personal life , we are facing many problems due to this, some impact are 1)  Unable to meet our friends , 2) Health problem 3) Daily routine activities has been stopped, 4)  Sleeping sickness 5) Self-isolation and lockdown are symptoms of traumatic stress, confusion and anger 6) Fear of infection 7) Limited supply of daily life necessity, 8) Job loss problem and tension 9) Inadequate  information 10) Financial loss,  11) Family issues , increase in domestic and family violence, 12) Increased alcohol consumption 13) Problems of  family , those dependent on daily wage-earning 14) Avoidance of religious functions etc. 14) As the  social distance shall vary from person to person. The person who has lost his/her near or dear one will take more time to overcome the trauma, 15) Loneliness epidemic, 16) children’s mental and physical health, 17) Disease on the elderly.

Impact on Professional Life

The Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is mostly impacted on professional life, which is also irrespectively related impacts our personal life, some impact on our professional are mentioned below:

  1. Financial concerns and job losses
  2. Impact on health workers and their families
  3. Decreasing number of jobs than enhanced the unemployment and underemployment
  4. Decreasing wages due to quality of work because of social protection);
  5. Effects on specific groups who are more vulnerable.
  6. Decreasing working hrs of the employees
  7. Salary problem on time and full
  8. Self-employment problem

We promote and enhanced the teleworking and work from home culture to reduce professional losses, which already used by many countries use the latest technologies to overcome this impact like use of information communication technology (ICT).

Impact on Social life and activities

There are any other challenges beyond the negative impact of a personal and professional impact due to COVID-19. Here we will present challenges related to our social life due to fear of reoccurrence of COVID-19:

  1. Impact on psyche due to virus itself, physical distancing and isolation
  2. No proper services by service sector
  3. Restriction and disruption on celebration of festivals, cultural programs, and religious events due to lockdown
  4. Cancellation or postponement of sports activities, Exams
  5. Restriction on gyms, swimming pools, restaurants, hotels, bars, malls etc.
  6. Restriction on social gathering like conferences, development programs, meetings, People will also be avoiding Cinema Hall, play theatres, gymnasiums, sports clubs, swimming pools,
  7. Malls, restaurants and so on because of fear of reoccurrence of COVID-19.
  8. It also impacts on transport
  9. Social distancing with our loved one, families and relatives
  10. University, colleges and school closures, that impact on our youth

Impact on Healthcare

Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) pandemic is impacting healthcare systems globally, this is main challenging sector, this also have many impact , which we have mentioned below:

  1. Challenges in the diagnosis
  2. Problem in quarantine and treatment of infected person
  3. How to deal with infected cases?
  4. How to handle the unknow probe and medical situation
  5. How to develop the vaccine, solution and face the current situation
  6. How develop the new medical kit and equipment for testing and other purposes
  7. Disruption of medical supply chain
  8. Dealing with other responsibilities in hospitals and research centers
  9. Death ratio increasing problem due to lockdown and this pandemic situation
  10. Overload on medical professionals and shops
  11.  Higher security requirement 

During this global tragedy, its affect the economy, population, healthcare professionals those are on higher risk side and vulnerable.

Impact on Economy and business

The COVID-19 pandemic is confronting every level of the economy with an unprecedented challenge, and the government must mount a sustained, ambitious economic response lasting months and perhaps years. The present situation impacts economical significantly on financial market in different sectors and economy danger is greater than health risk, some sectors are given below those increase the economy of any country:

  1. Decreasing revenue growth
  2. Slowing down of Manufacturing – Goods, Medical items, Milk, food etc.
  3. Supply chain problem
  4. Tour and Travel
  5. Hospitality and Tourism
  6. Insurance sector challenges
  7. Decreasing National and international businesses relation
  8. Cash flow problem in the market and banks
  9. Supply chains, logistics and E-commerce
  10. Stock markets
  11. Defence etc.

There many countries and territories governments have announced job security of the employees they have decided some fixed wages and reduction in salaries of the employees. But some are unbale to clarify and how the they will manage and support the loss of them.

Impact on food and agriculture

The main affect will be on food and agriculture due to this pandemic (COVID-19) , there many questions arises due to this problem :

  1. Negative impact on food security globally
  2. What are the most areas related to food and agriculture that can be affected 
  3. Farmers problem, they are only dependent on agriculture
  4. Impact on present and future production of food, agriculture supply chain markets
  5. How to handle with food demand, quality and prices?
  6. Food and agriculture affect on global economy

Diminishing trust in the globalization

In the pre-pandemic globalized world, we enjoyed a certain level of trust we mostly took for granted. We could travel almost without limitations, meet people without restrictions and order products worldwide. This will simply change after billions of people had to stay indoors for weeks.

Firstly, we will not be able to travel that freely or enjoy the supply chains of the world so easily. We will think twice before going somewhere or to meet someone. The pandemic is already exacerbating signs of social anxiety and agoraphobia. Regaining trust takes time and these trends will take place for months after lockdowns are lifted.

Secondly, travel restrictions affect labor movement, disruption and supply chains on various sectors like Automobiles, pharmaceuticals and electronics

Finally, it has been observed that Global tourism, travel and hospitality companies are closing down. Because of disruption of travel and tourism, millions of jobs are at risk worldwide.

Positive side effect of COVID-19

We actually are spending quality time with family and encouraging friends to stay safe. Awareness for personal and public hygiene measures saw a surge thanks to the contagion. Social distancing measures are in place. People are getting used to wearing facemasks for grocery shopping.

Digital connectivity enhanced that reducing social distancing, awarenes about the latest technologies for all sectors like ICTs

We all had to experiment with digital solutions, be it virtual meetings for work, digital education for students and virtual events instead of in person conferences. These proved not only to be effective but also an environmentally-friendly way to operate in a connected world.

Wild animals and birds have started wandering around the cities across the world and environment experts claim that the ozone layer has started healing itself and may recover fully. Nobody knows what the future of humanity after the pandemic, but it is certain that the climate and environment of Earth are going to be benefited.


In a positive note it has been concluded that having so much negativity, COVID-19 has some positive vibes also. COVID-19 will emerge as a game-changer in the society. By now we have realized that health is real wealth and prevention is better than cure.

Several State governments in India declared the sealing of coronavirus hotspot to control COVID-19. If implemented effectively, the measure will prove to be helpful in controlling further coronavirus spread.

There are many unknown parameters which can causes large uncertainties in the prediction, the prediction is supposed to help the Government in further decision making and in coping with the ongoing coronavirus transmission in India.

People may shift to e-commerce for buying most of the commodities and therefore bright future for some of the service sectors which may include: E-commerce portal and their allied courier services. Work from home culture shall have become a corporate fashion. However, to avoid traumatic life, it is suggested people should eat a balanced diet now to fight probable malnutrition period, if any, for a longer duration. It is also suggested people should consider living in less population density areas. The most important habit required to be inculcated in our routine shall be to avoid touching things unnecessarily on public places, frequent hand wash even after the pandemic is over (at least for one year) to avoid its re-occurrence.

In this paper we have given some impact on our daily life due to coronavirus pandemic
(COVID-19). We have mentioned some impact on different areas like Impact personal and professional life’s, Impact on social life, Impact on healthcare system, impact on economy and businesses and impact on Food and agriculture due to COVID-19.  We have described few positive points of this pandemic (COVID-19).


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