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Action Of Alcohol On Internal Organs
Action on the stomach.The action of alcohol on the stomach is extremely dangerous that it becomes unable to produce the natural digestive fluid in...
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Once a Notified Always a Criminal: The Untold Journey of Being...
One of the most significant chapters of the Indian independence was the classification of indigenous Indian population into several categories as per requisite of...
National Security Depend on Strong Transport & Communication
“Victory is the beautiful bright coloured flower. Transport is the stem, without which it could never blossomed.”
Winston Churchill
The term ‘transport’ use to movement (of something) from...
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Anxiety and Pregnancy
Women and babies have been interrelated since the very beginning. It is a natural phenomenon and there is nothing unusual about it. All young...
Medical Testimony on Alcohol
Dr. Ezra M. Hunt says: "The capacity of the alcohols for impairment of functions and the initiation and promotion of organic lesions in vital...
Dealing with Your Teenager and the Latest Fashion Trends
Are you the parent of a teenager? If you are, you likely already know that many teens want to look their best, at least...
Value system and life satisfaction: exploration of well-being amongst Indian students
This paper proposes to establish a connection between two variables - Value System and Life Satisfaction - amongst Indian students. Ten value types are...
What is the Logician personality type (INTP)?
Individuals with an INTP personality type will, in general, be incredibly expository, objective, and coherent in their conduct. They love investigating new hypotheses and...
Psycho-socio consequences of lock down with reference to domestic violence against women during COVID-19...
In India there is marginal rise of instances of Domestic Violence during Lock Down. In families, men folk are staying at home and the...
Mindfulness promotes health and wellbeing- a review
Health and wellbeing are necessary elements to increase and maintain person’s productivity and satisfaction with life. Wellbeing is not just an absence of illness....
$100 Per Day With Adsense – Possible ?
These are proven techniques for making Google AdSense, which will work on most blogs and websites. There is no secret system, you just have...